Thursday, June 14, 2012

Abortion Is A Benefit Under Obamacare

In Connecticut, abortion will be considered a benefit under Obamacare. In fact they are considered an "essential health benefit." When did taking the life of an innocent child become an "essential health benefit?" Why is it essential and who is it really benefiting?

Overall, the state is saying no matter what, if someone wants an abortion, it's covered. Taxpayers will unwillingly be covering more abortions. As shocking as this may seem, seeing as how the current administration is not too concerned about the well being of a human life while inside the womb or the babies right to live, it is said that most private health plans in Connecticut already cover 'elective abortions.' However, state plans do not, and in order to have it included the health panel voted in favor of the plan.

So, the state believes they are doing a great service to women. When in reality, if Obamacare and many plans out there were truly concerned for women's health, than breast exams, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer would be offered free of charge. Not birth control and abortions!

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