North Carolina Marriage Amendment
The May 8, 2012, North Carolina Primary is proving to be popular among all parties. All primaries during a Presidential election year tend to be large, but this primary is becoming even more personal due to the proposed Marriage Amendment.
The amendment has been put to vote in order to protect the definition of marriage from being altered, and is becoming a moral obligation and delimma for many. Those opposing the amendment believe it will take away their right to receive certain benefits and even enter into 'contractual agreements.'
What Will the North Carolina Marriage Amendment Do?
The amendment seems to really be meant to keep government from changing the definition of marriage, and imposing any definition without the vote of the citizens of North Carolina. North Carolina is the only southern state that has not passed such an amendment. The reason for the vote now, may be because of laws and a push to be like New York, Vermont, and to protect the sanctity of marriage.
What Is the Arguments Surrounding the NC Amendment?
Many argue that it is unfair, because if two people love each other they should be able to be legally married. However, that is a valid reason for marrying and commiting one's life to another, it is not the only reason for marriage. The argument is, marriage is important because it is a union where a man and a woman can produce children and (hopefully) cared for by their "biological parents."
Using Bible references, one can qoute a number of scripture as to why marriage is defined as between a "man and woman," and why homosexuality is wrong and not recognized as a traditional marriage. One such verse that speaks to the definition of marriage is Matthew 19:4-6, and one which speaks of keeping marriage "pure" is Hebrews 14:3-7. If looking for scripture involving marriage and children, Psalm 127:3-5.
Of course, the biggest argument against the amendment seems to be that it is "anti-gay." It is not anti-gay, it is anti-change the definition of marriage and government control of the meaning of marriage. The definition and (can't believe this word is going to be used) institute of marriage was in place thousands of years ago-for those who believe in evolution, make it millions. Many protestors believe the amendment would cause them to loose custody or benefits for children or cause domestic violent victims to not have protection or take away authority from one entrusted with another's health, life, estate, etc.
The amendment is easy to read, and in no way takes children away from unmarried couples, drops benefits, causes domestic violence victims to loose protection, or takes away any trusts or wills from anyone. The amendment simply defines what marriage is and what it has always been known to be.
Note: the state could avoid denying dependent benefits by using a "neutral definition," as stated in an article on townhall, and by purposing an amendment specifically dealing with benefits.
Why vote against the amendment?
The reason, possibly felt on both sides, seems to be because no one wants government redefining something that has been in place for centuries/decades and more (except those who oppose it). Another reason are those mentioned above, and because if this passes other laws will be changed and challenged. A huge reason, for many Christians or any church that believes or teaches traditional marriage, is that the law (as many of late have) could interfere with church practices.
It is also being debated because many parents do not want to be given an option as to whether their children can be educated on homosexual marriage (which is not an option, so some articles say, in Massachusetts, and is also something that parents should discuss with their children if the question arises and why they believe as they do).
Another reason, is because (once again) the church and anyone who refuses to recognize same sex marriage or give benefits to same sex couples could be fined or find themselves in more trouble than usual just for their moral believes. Which would ultimately bring about more government control and regulation.
Overall, the amendment is meant to protect marriage and keep government away from changing the definition of marriage. There are many reasons to vote for the amendment, but as with any vote, one has to vote according to their beliefs and concious.
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