Biden 'They Don't Get Us' Speech
Vice President Biden delivered a powerful speech in Ohio, proclaiming the millionaires just don't understand the lower and middle classes. He also talked about jobs coming back, mainly manufacturing jobs. As well as how the wealthy believe the lower class does not want to become rich or have dreams or aspirations.
Talk about a guy who thinks the wealthy don't get it. What does he think he is compared to most middle and lower class working families, someone living below the poverty level? This is a guy that gets to go to all sorts of major fundraisers and rub shoulders with well known millionaires. Yet, he does not like them? Apparently he is okay with them helping the campaign, holding fundraisers, or donating to causes him and Obama deem appropriate, but otherwise, none of the millionaires understand the common American.
In some cases, that might be true. However, in many cases, most of those who are millionaires and billionaires worked for it, in some way. As for everyone deserves a fair share, under this administration no one is getting a fair share. While giving this speech, it was announced Microsoft would be laying off 25,000 employees and other businesses Nation wide continue to lay off or shut down while thise administration brags on how great they are. Even their own green jobs have failed, and still, they had no problem giving a hand out to those heads of the failed company.
As for trying to make it seem as if it's not the Obama administrations fault that jobs are not their for college grads or others who are overly qualified for the positions they are in, or for those who are not being counted as unemployed, is a lie. In some cases it's political due to the green agenda and other wants of the administration. Such was the case with the Daimler plant which actually caused 1000's to loose jobs because of policies and changes the Obama administration wanted to enforce. Then they came in after the plant came back (somewhat) and claimed it a victory for the administration. Unfortunately, the true story came from several workers and it is no where to be found, even though it was featured in several articles in March.
In any case, Biden probably meant that, those millionaire and billionaires who do not give to this administration, 'just don't get us.' Those who do, totally understand.
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