Obama and House Members Do Not Support Sex Selection Ban
After an employee of Planned Parenthood (who claims this was a one time thing), told an undercover reporter that it was okay to have an abortion if the baby was not the sex of her liking, the subject of gender genocide erupted. Planned Parenthood claimed it was a one time thing, but this employee told the girl how to go through with the abortion, get on medicaid, and not to tell the doctor why she really wants the abortion. The only response from Planned Parenthood was, it was a one time thing (which is hard to believe), and they are their to support anyone asking for help without judgement.
That's great that they do not want to judge, but what about helping women through a pregnancy (which is what the program was originally intended for, so one would have thought) instead of telling her to just end it and don't worry about it. Like the baby is a piece of clothing that can easily be gotten rid of and forgotten about. Also, even though they are not judging someone who wants to do this based on gender, aren't they passing some sort of judgement on the baby by supporting it?
This raised many questions and concerns. The House decided to vote on a bill requiring women who want an abortion to tell whether or not it was because of the babies gender. The bill would make it a crime. It was 30 votes shy of passing. Some pointed out that in some countries where this had been legal, it is now banned because of unequal boy-girl ratios. Some also believe it will cause problems and discrimination in certain ethnic groups who are more likely to have gender selective abortions. However, it has also started another thought on the so called war on women and continues to point out that this would be, and could be considered, a contribution to that so called political war.
Of course, it has also been pointed out that President Obama, the noble peace recipient, opposed the bill. Many have questioned, how can someone who was awarded the noble peace prize oppose saving the lives of what could potentially be hundreds or thousands of babies (of course, one would question that anyways with his support for abortion overall).
In all, this act is sex discrimination, and these babies who seemed to be thought of as a disease or an inconvenience, rather than a human being. In reality, the majority of abortions are thought of as such and it is disgusting. Perhaps women should start telling physicians the real reason they want abortions, and seeing how the cost hits the tax payers as well (in many cases), knowing that a woman isn't doing it for selfish reasons would not only help in some ways (not much) but may also lessen the death of thousands each year. In all, it has really driven the point home that Planned Parenthood is not really helping women but promotes sex and abortion, and has continued to prove that the real war on women is not coming from those the media claims it comes from.
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