Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Atheist Billboards Attack GOP Faith

Atheist Billboards have been placed around Charlotte in time for the Democratic National Convention. The billboards are being used to criticize and mock the Christian faith, as well as encourage people not to vote for Mitt Romney, who is a Mormon. The boards are extremely critical of God, with sentences such as, "Sadistic God, Useless Savior," and "Baptizes Dead People." If this isn't a flat out public attack on Jesus and the God of the Bible and hateful speech towards Christians and one's belief, then what is?

Instead of keeping the convention about politics, it has now become a fight against religion and personal conviction. This billbard is really meant to criticize Mormons, but it has been funded and put up by groups who obviously want to abolish all religion and believes, except their own (and yes, atheism can be considered a type of religion, even by an atheists definition of religion, althouh they would argue different). What's more telling of how driven the city of Charlotte is to allow such critic on a candidates personal beliefs is, the atheist group tried to put these up in Tampa for the RNC but was denied.

Of course, anyone who does know Christ will understand, this is not an all out attack on the "nonexistance of God, but on religion."At no point do these billboards say there is no God, they just say that the God of Mormonism  is "an alien" and a few other things. So, they are not denying God's existence but showing, as they usually do, that they just want to get rid of specific religions and promote their own.

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