Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama Supports Same Sex Marriage

Is it any surprise that the President came out supporting same sex marriage. Afterall, this is the President who's campaigning on social issues in order to cover up the actual problems of America. The only straws his campaign can draw in order to get votes is based on social agenda.

What has Social Issues Done for America Lately?

So far, the only things social issues has done while Obama's been in office has been dividing America even further. The issues that are being pushed into the forefront, so far, have not helped move America "Forward." If anything it has kept America from moving, and caused more time and resources to be spent on things that, while important, are not the root of America's problem.

The biggest problem in America right now is jobs and money (some might also argue national security). That is #1, and should be #1 on things to discuss, debate, and mainly solve. The social issues have provided a convenient side track for the Obama Campaign. So far, they helped further push the war on women (which has been coming from the democractic left for years), push for contraception, ignore the rights of religious institutions (mainly Christian), and now, the President and those around him are in favor of same sex marriage.

Prior to this revelation, other issues such as green jobs have been at the forefront of social agendas. Of course, after the green jobs failed (miserably), along with the businesses and banks bailed out by the government, the campaign knew it was impossible to run on how much jobs and the economy have improved. Therefore, they will tug at the heart strings of millions and stick to the social issues that (to them) have made America the evil country it is.

Of course, while doing this, they will side one way and will do their best to destroy the rights of those who oppose them. For example, when Obama pushed to end the "don't ask, don't tell," he and his elites have also pushed that chaplains go against their morals and the Bible in order to marry same sex couples.

So far, all the social issues where so many scream for equality (which is strange in the case of those who support abortion), have caused nothing but division between a wide range of people. A huge reason is because, once one right is granted, the other sides rights seem to be taken away. Using abortion as an example, once a woman (and possibly her spouse or partner) decide to have an abortion, they automatically take away an innocent babies right to live. In the case of same sex marriage, once the rights are granted to those couples to marry, more than likely, churches and those who oppose same sex marriage may be required to marry these couples because it is a new law and new definition about marriage.

Is Same Sex Marriage Possible Without Changing the Definition of Marriage?

In all, yes. In Tony Campolo's book, The Red Letter Christian, there is a chapter on homosexual rights and marriage. It might not be what everyone wants, but it could be a good compromise. He state the fact that government recognizes civil unions but refuses to call it "marriage." His suggestion is, the government needs to get out of marrying people (by way of recognizing civil unions), and give legal status to civil unions and leave marriage to the Church. If a church recognizes homosexual marriage, then the couples could be married there.

The main point is, the government has no right to redefine marriage and should not be trying to redefine it and force those who do not believe in performing these marriages to do it. Just like they shouldn't force a Christian institute or any private school to pay for a woman's birth control. It is the institutes decision.

In all, in the case of Obama, it is all a political campaign.

Reference: Tony Campolo, Red Letter Christian. Regal: Ventura, CA. 2008.


  1. Yea, I stopped listening when you said the bail out on banks and businesses failed. My state, Ohio, has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country? Why? Obama bailed out the auto industry, and now we have lots of manufacturing jobs. The three big companies are showing profits and expanding in this country. So, why should I care about your opinions if you can't get your facts straight. Good luck with your nonsense.


    This isn't the only thing I looked at-but there are other reports showing that the bailout and stimulus money did little for Ohio and unemployment shot up to over 9%, and money that went to companies to create jobs throughout the state and other states ended up being used to create jobs outside of America. A big reason Ohio is doing better seems to be because manufacturers and industries and other markets have realized that Ohio's location is good, and in many cases less expensive to create jobs than if they tried going to other countries or maybe even some states (especially CA which is an absolute mess). The bailout has not done helped as much as hoped, has hurt the housing industry, and jobs continue to be lost and people are now giving up-college grads have no job to go to, people are having to work longer or go back to work (in many cases in jobs that are below their skill level) just to make ends meet, the monthly job numbers do not include the fact that many jobs are temporary or that people have lost the unemployment benefits yet continue to be unemployed. The labor statistics are not necessarily counting the people that leave the workforce or loose jobs, and it really doesn't count the numbers of people coming into the work force. The actual monthly unemployment numbers are well above 11%, if not more. The bank bail outs have not helped the government or jobs or even home owners, buyers, or sellers. So far, it still seems to be a probably, and all the money from the bailout is hurting the consumer because they are the ones who end up paying the taxes and rates to pay for it.
